- ANTz Applied -
Matri Design - Data Science and Analytics Service with ANTz - datasets on github
ANTz Builder - An online tool to import data into ANTz
I LUV DATA - Explorations Into Perceptual Cybernetics - ANTz dataset downloads
SynGlyphX - Commercial Viz tools powered by ANTz core
GaiaViz - Community platform powered by ANTz (summer 2021)
Mindtel - Synergy Strike Force
- ANTz Videos -
Antzers - examples and tutorials
Jeff Sale - Aviation, Weather, Fukishima
ICCM 2012 - Crisis Mapping
- ANTz Supported Hardware Vendors -
zSpace desktop AR/VR supported by ANTz-XR
3Dconnexion SpaceMouse ANTz wiki for 3D Mouse
AJA - Broadcast video IO
Blackmagic Design - Professional video IO
intoPIX - JPEG2000 FPGA core with ultra-low-latency
- ANTz 3rd Party Software Libraries -
Khronos Group - OpenGL, glTF, etc.
freeglut - cross-platform application framework
GLEW - GL extension wrangler
Assimp - 3D model import
FreeImage - image formats
MySQL - database connector
curl - URL based data transfer
Jannson - encode decode JSON
oscpack - OSC networking
python - scripting language
- ANTz Planned Support -
Omnisci - GPU based SQL database engine
Matrox - Machine Vision and SDI video IO
- Tangently Related -
Fusion Torch - Boron Fusion pioneered by physicist Bill Gough
TweezersLAB - laser tweezers machine control
Ron Dexter - everything you need to know about cinematography
- Other Data Viz Links -
NOAA - Science On a Sphere (SOS)
OpenGraphiti - open source 3D dataviz